Stefani Tica, MD
Class of 2024
Stefani Tica, MD completed her pediatric residency training at Washington University School of Medicine. She holds an MD and MPH with a concentration in epidemiology from Indiana University, and a BS in literature with distinction from Duke University. From studying the numerous systemic manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease during her internal medicine clerkship to learning about liver failure in her pathophysiology course, Stefani developed a fascination with the complexity and appreciation for the breadth of Gastroenterology. During the course of her residency, her early interest in GI matured due to experiences caring for children with a variety of enteric and hepatobiliary diseases, opportunities to learn about endoscopy, and involvement in research. In her spare time, Stefani enjoys reading fiction novels, embroidering, baking sourdough bread, watching Duke basketball, and making the perfect cup of coffee.